Become Unstoppable in 2022 - How to Set Goals So That You Actually Achieve Them!

strategy Jan 02, 2022
In this week's video, I share with you how to set goals for 2022, so that you maximise your chances of success!
The start of a new year presents the opportunity for a refresh...
New challenges, renewed motivation and the opportunity to achieve something you’ve never done before!
However, if you don’t set any goals for the year or, consciously plan how you’re going to achieve them then, you leave your life to randomness...
And another year may drift by without you making your life what it could be.
But, don't make that this year...
Instead make 2022 a year you can be proud of!
And the way that you do that is to start by setting infallible goals.
So, click the play button, watch the video and make 2022 your best year yet!

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