Detach from the Outcome - The Importance of Letting Go of Your Goals

mindset Mar 07, 2022
In this video, I share with you my thoughts on the importance of emotionally detaching yourself from the achievement of your goals.
Initially, this may seem counter-intuitive because, what is the point in setting goals in the first place, if you're not going to be interested in achieving them?
But, by maintaining great emotional investment in achieving your goals, you might be holding yourself back.
This is because, your fixation on the goal may be preventing you from from bringing your full focus to the progress-making tasks.
And as a result, you may not carry out said tasks with the necessary level of quality, in order to progress.
Therefore, if you don't emotionally detach yourself from your goals, you may ironically find yourself stagnating in their achievement.
But, what should you do instead you ask?
Well, I cover all that in this video.
Click the play button, watch the video and enjoy!

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