To What Extent Does Meal Timing Matter? - 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider When You Eat

nutrition Nov 14, 2021

Is it true that when reflecting on your diet, largely you focus on what you're eating and how much?

And do you ever get frustrated with yourself that you haven't been as disciplined as you intended?

I know I do.

But, what if, in addition to the what and the how much, the when also plays a large part in keeping a healthy diet?

I posed this question off the back of my swimming competition a couple of weeks ago.

During this competition, I put a lot of intention into the timing of my meals; eating them a set time in advance of my race.

I did this, in the hope that I’d get the energy spike of each meal just as I was about to race, as well as avoid any feelings of lethargy that come just after you eat a meal.

And the result was that in 7 races, I achieved 7 personal bests.

Now, I will not deny that, in order to achieve those results, I had to put in the training.

But, had I not carefully planned the timing of my meals, it might have adversely affected my races.

And that got me thinking; how else could you benefit from considering when you eat?

Could it help you to keep the what and the how much in line with your aspirations and thereby, make it easier to eat healthily more consistently?

Want to find out?

Then, watch this video!

Perfect Your Diet

Download this free guide, to learn how to perfect your diet in 5 simple steps.

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