How to Determine How Many Calories You Need - Use This Simple Method

nutrition Dec 12, 2021

I hope that December is treating you well and that you're enjoying the run in to Christmas and the New Year.  

I'm certainly getting into the festive spirit myself; enjoying Christmas markets, gift shopping and meeting up with family and friends!  

This time of year is superb for taking a break, allowing yourself to recharge and celebrating all that you've achieved in the past 12 months.  

So, make sure that you allow yourself some time off and the chance to enjoy yourself!  

However, at the same time the holiday season can be a real pitfall when it comes to keeping healthy...  

Late nights, alcohol, copious amounts of unhealthy food; sometimes it seems as though we've been set up to fail.  

Therefore, it is really important that you don't let go completely and keep on top of things over Christmas.  

By all means enjoy yourself...  

And at the same time, just keep things ticking over with regards to your health.  

Keep the training going, even if you ease off a bit. 

Make sure you get enough sleep.  

Cease eating when you feel full.  

For just that little bit of effort now means that come January you'll be ready and raring to hit the new year!  

Instead of having reverse all the damage done over December, you can approach the new year feeling refreshed and at a level from which you can push on and get to that next level!  

Don't go into 2022 in the same old situation, needing to lose the weight you put on over December.  

Stay on top of things, keep yourself in shape and feel confident going into the new year.  

And in order to help you do that, I've created a video to help you to work out how many calories is an appropriate amount for you to eat, so that you can tell whether you're good for another mince pie right now or, if it's best saved for another time.  

So, watch the video, work out how many calories you need and stay in control this Christmas... 

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