Put Your Results Into Perspective - How I Kept Myself from Succumbing to Unrealistic Expectations at the Enfield Swim Squad Open Meet 2021

competition Dec 05, 2021

Has there ever been an occassion when you've been overly disappointed in how you've performed?

Been incredibly disheartened by the results you've acheived but, on reflection realise that they weren't as awful as you initially felt?

I've had a few of those recently!

Sometimes I fall into that state of mind, where I expect to outdo myself every time I swim or, pick up the weights at the gym...

Even when I rationally know that achieving a personal best in the conditions I'm about to enter isn't likely, I can still get upset when I don't.

Like when I compete in a pool with a shallow end...

This creates additional resistance to my swim, in comparison to an all deep pool, making the chances of me outperforming a result achieved in an all deep pool less likely.

But still, I expect to set a personal best.

However, this attitude can be really counterproductive...

Because, on occasions where you've actually performed well given the circumstances, you beat yourself up rather, than celebrate and congratulate yourself.

And that can hold you back psychologically over the long run.

Instead of hitting the next training session with momentum, motivation and energy, you approach it in a lacklustre manner.

Which in turn means you don't get the most out of your session!

Therefore, it's really important that you put results into perspective.

Thankfully, that's what I did at the Enfield Swim Squad Open Meet 2021.

To see what I mean, watch the video!

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