Fitness to Fast

Masters Swimming Bootcamp

Swim faster on limited training time.
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Fitness to Fast

Masters Swimming Bootcamp
Join FREE Bootcamp

Swim faster on limited training time.

Fitness to Fast

Masters Swimming Bootcamp

Swim faster on limited training time!

I teach the mechanisms that I've used to continuously improve my swimming speed and qualify for progressively bigger competitions, whilst maintaining a full-time job and navigating other commitments.

We'll cover the mindsets and behaviours to adopt, both in and out of the pool, so that you enjoy and get the most out of your training!



Whenever convenient to you
(You can take as long as you want)

14 days of 15 minutes

David Westcough
Masters Swimmer - East Leeds & Great Britain

Join FREE Bootcamp

Why Me?

Why Me?

Your Coach

Hi, I'm David Westcough, 

A competitive Masters Swimmer for East Leeds & Great Britain.

My favourite events include:

  • 50m Freestyle (PB: 28.31 SC / 28.38s LC)
  • 100m Freestyle (PB: 1:01.25 SC / 1:02.38 LC)
  • 50m Fly (PB: 30.57 SC / 31.66 LC)

Every year, I compete in the Swim England Masters National Short Course Championships, as well as several local galas. 

In 2023 & 2024, I even competed in the European Masters Swimming Championships!

This makes me best-placed to support other Masters Swimmers, as I have navigated the unique challenges that they face.

Similarly, I have trialled numerous methods to swim faster for myself and as such, have discovered those most effective!



"I love how David simplifies things and makes faster swimming easier with his structured and methodical approach!"


Enfield Swim Squad

British & European Masters
1,500m Freestyle Silver Medallist


"I love how David simplifies things and makes faster swimming easier with his structured and methodical approach!"

Enfield Swim Squad

British & European Masters 1,500m Freestyle Silver Medallist

Why Join Now?

If your training, nutrition and recovery routines aren't aligned to each other, as well as your personal swimming goals then, at some point, you'll stop swimming faster.

Therefore, the sooner and more consistently you get these three aspects in alignment, the less time and effort it will take to improve.

Similarly, if you aren't maximising your progress each day, then as time goes on, your ultimate potential reduces.

This is especially true of masters swimmers, once they are beyond their twenties.

Hence, the more you can get out of each training session, the faster of a swimmer you will also stand to be at your peak.

Let's Get Started!