Recreation to Racer

Masters Swimming Program

Break Personal Bests & Qualify for the BIG Masters Competitions!

Let's Smash Some PBs!

Recreation to Racer

Masters Swimming  Program
Let's Smash Some PBs!

Break Personal Bests & Qualify for the BIG Masters Competitions

Why Join?

As a swimmer, there is no better feeling than setting a personal best in the pool!

However, this can be difficult for Masters Swimmers.

This is because work, children and other commitments can often get in the way of precious training time.

Therefore, to get faster, it's important that Masters Swimmers get the most out of their time in the pool and gym.

That doesn't just mean effective training sets, but also on-point recovery and nutrition.

Hence, Recreation to Racer is an online swimming programdesigned to help UK Masters Swimmers to swim faster by bringing intention, structure and consistency to their training, nutrition and recovery regimes, as well as their competition preparation.

Why Me?

Why Me?

Your Coach

Hi, I'm David Westcough, 

A competitive Masters Swimmer for East Leeds & Great Britain.

My favourite events include:

  • 50m Freestyle (PB: 28.31 SC / 28.38s LC)
  • 100m Freestyle (PB: 1:01.25 SC / 1:02.38 LC)
  • 50m Fly (PB: 30.57 SC / 31.66 LC)

Every year, I compete in the Swim England Masters National Short Course Championships, as well as several local galas. 

In 2023 & 2024, I even competed in the European Masters Swimming Championships!

This makes me best-placed to support other Masters Swimmers, as I have navigated the unique challenges that they face.

Similarly, I have trialled numerous methods to swim faster for myself and as such, have discovered those most effective!



"I love how David simplifies things and makes faster swimming easier with his structured and methodical approach!"


Enfield Swim Squad

British & European Masters
1,500m Freestyle Silver Medallist


"I love how David simplifies things and makes faster swimming easier with his structured and methodical approach!"

Enfield Swim Squad

British & European Masters 1,500m Freestyle Silver Medallist

Why Join Now?

If your training, nutrition and recovery routines aren't aligned to each other, as well as your personal swimming goals then, at some point, you'll stop swimming faster.

Therefore, the sooner and more consistently you get these three aspects in alignment, the less time and effort it will take to improve.

Similarly, if you aren't maximising your progress each day, then as time goes on, your ultimate potential reduces.

This is especially true of masters swimmers, once they are beyond their twenties.

Hence, the more you can get out of each training session, the faster of a swimmer you will also stand to be at your peak.

Let's Get Started!

Why This Program?

Why This Program?

How Is This Program Different?

Typically, other programs consider ONLY ONE of the important aspects (training, nutrition, recovery, etc.) of becoming a faster swimmer.

Recreation to Racer combines and simplifies all of the important aspects into one comprehensive program, as well as teaches you how to align them, to accelerate your improvement as a swimmer.

Similarly, other programs typically ONLY provide you with set exercise routines or meal plans. 

As a result, they don't tell you why you're doing the things that you're doing, how to personalise them or, what to pay specific attention to, based on your personal circumstances. 

Instead, Recreation to Racer sets out to teach you the important scientific principles, so that you can personalise and create your own training, nutrition and recovery regimes, to best align to your personal goals and circumstances.

Sounds Good! Let's Go!

About The Program

About the Program

How Does The Program Work?

Recreation to Racer guides you through an explanation of all of the important aspects of mindset, training, nutrition and recovery that you need to consider, to be a successful masters swimmer, as well as help you to implement them into their your busy life.

It's delivered through a 6-week series of short video lessons and activities, so that you can implement and start benefitting from the teachings of the program quickly and with ease, as well as understand what we're doing at each stage and why.

You can also ask questions at weekly group coaching sessions with your coach, David, to ensure that you don't get stuck, as well as have any bespoke queries about your personal situation answered.

Sounds Good! Let's Go!



Program Content

Week 1

Are you approaching your swimming goals in a professional manner or are you leaving your growth to randomness?

During this week we'll get you in the right mindset, so that you maximise your results from this program.

Week 2

An often neglected aspect of a swimmer's training regimen.

During this week we'll get you recovering like a pro, so that you can bring energy and focus to your training.

Week 3

Training hard is one thing, but unless you're backing it up with solid nutrition, your body won't get stronger.

During this week we'll get you eating in support of your goals, so that your body adapts effectively to training.

Week 4

By this point you'll be screaming to put your new-found energy into practice!

During this week we'll get you training with intention, so that you maximise the benefits of each session.

Week 5
Entering Competitions

Now's the fun part; time to test yourself in competition!

During this week we'll ensure you're ready to enter competitions and become confident doing so.

Week 6
Competition Preparation

You've come all this way and now it's time to perform!

During this week we'll ensure you're prepared and able to be at your best on competition day!

Just What I Need! Let's Go!



You Will Receive


To the Recreation to Racer program,
so that you can visit the material at any time.


To help you understand what we're doing at each stage of the program and why.


To enable you to easily digest and quickly refer back to key points.

Guided Exercises

To help you implement the program's teachings with ease!

8x Group
Coaching Calls

In case you get stuck or, want reassurance that you're on the right track.

App Access

So that you can watch at home, at work or, on the go!

Free Program Upgrades

So that you benefit from the latest development of the program!

28-Day Money Back Guarantee

No questions asked.
For your peace of mind.

Program Sneak Peek

What Do You Actually Get?
Sign Me Up!



Frequently Asked Questions

Email Me With Your Question
Alright! Let's Do This!

Cost &
How to Join

Cost &
How to Join

How Much Does It Cost &
How Do I Join?

You can pay for the program either in:

  • 1x payment of £127 (£20 discount)
  • 3x payments of £49 (£147 total)

Simply click on the button of your chosen payment plan below and you'll be guided through enrolment.

1x Payment of £127
3x Payments of £49